Monday, March 10, 2014

Bits and pieces of daily life

Our neighborhood playground. We are usually the only ones there.
What is the kids’ view of Greece? They notice everything, but focus on the small details within their grasp and understanding. It is hard to take a walk with L2 because he wants to sit on every step, touch every wall, and pick up every rock. Rocks are great. Rocks, water, and a bowl to put them in are THE BEST whether in Greece or back home. Dogs and cats (of which there are many), and airplanes are exciting and merit an exclamation whenever they are spotted. Playgrounds don’t have to be fancy to be fun.

L2 with a bowl of rocks collected from the driveway.

Greek playgrounds (at least the ones within walking distance from our house) close from 2-6pm. For me, these are prime times when I want to get the kids out of the house to run off their energy. I understand this is the time people here take a break; most shops are closed. But come on! I have yet to figure out if Greek children follow this quiet afternoon and late bedtime schedule too. We’ve seen very few children at the playgrounds.

The Greek people are generally very friendly, especially toward children. Everyone we pass by smiles at them and says hello. Many old men have come up to pinch L2’s cheek. L2 is not impressed.

The Magic Garden, a nice playground and coffee shop just around the corner from our house.

L1 is picking up a few words of Greek: hello, thank you, and dog.

In Greek,  “good morning” is “kali mera.” Jim, passing an old Greek lady dressed in black, politely said, “kalamari.”

L2 is having an (English) language explosion. He has added a new word to his vocabulary every day for about a week. New words include “cold” (he knew “hot” previously), cookies, bath, hat, and keys.

Next time: another excursion to Athens.

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